BremaxxIP44 20м урттай, Кабель, улбар шар өнгөтэй, AT-N07V3V3-F 3G1,5
- The BREMAXX®-cable is extremely sturdy, applicable down to -35°C, oil- and UV-resistant and highly abrasion-resistant.
- Excellent abrasion resistance.
- With extra robust earthed plug and socket.
Technical data
- Cable designation: AT-N07V3V3-F 3G1,5
- Cable length: 20,00 m
- Cable quality: BREMAXX
- Oil-resistant:
- Degree of protection (IP): IP44
- Suitable for outdoor area:
- Height: 10,00 cm
- Length: 26,00 cm
- Weight: 2,88 kg
- Width: 26,00 cm
- UV-resistant: